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Watch Deleted Scene: Elizabeth

Watch Deleted Scene: Elizabeth

Deleted Scene: Elizabeth

BONUS FEATURES (digital download) • 5m 8s

Up Next in BONUS FEATURES (digital download)

  • Extended Scene: Nicole Tru

    In this extended scene Nicole Tru talks about her tattoos, why she is so fertile, her childhood, and about living in a town where prostitution is legal.

  • Extended Scene: Frat Boys

    In this extended scene the Frat Bays elaborate on how they learned about sex, their first time, if they would like marrying a virgin, whether or not Abstinence-Only Programs should be federally funded, and using protection versus pulling out.

  • Deleted Scene: Sexual Abuse Stories

    This Sexual Abuse Stories scene was originally in the first cut of "Daddy I Do" (which was 2 hours long, but has now been shortened to 90 minutes). In this short scene, multiple interviews come out about being sexual abused before.